Paw Prints (Quarterly Edition January-March 2020)


In January, we completed our monthly outreach with a New Year’s Party. The children continue to enjoy themselves as we are getting in rhythm and building a stable presence in the community.

However, a week prior to our outreach, there was a shoot-out in the housing area. During our time of sharing, we prayed against the spirit of fear and murder trying to suffocate this community and paralyze these children. I shared my testimony of how God delivered me years ago from an assault at gunpoint. This encouraged the children to know God is their protector just like He protected me.

There were several children who accepted Christ. We provided every child with a bible, tract and gift as we ended our fun day. We are so thankful for the hygiene bags provided by Wayne Pregnancy Center. The children left the party with smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts. We praise God for the children who started attending church the next day.       

In February, we enjoyed a Valentine Party with the theme “Love Grows Here”. We shared John 3:16 and taught the joy of giving in a practical way. The children went door to door to provide every resident with a rose, gospel tract and greeting that "God Loves You". The children were excited about the opportunity to give. They returned from their evangelistic inreach and gave testimonies of how good it felt to give and how people responded with laughter, smiles, hugs and JOY!

We provided a free meal, presented the gospel, gave prizes, gifts and roses to everyone attending. We are amazed at how the children are hungry to learn about God. We have had as many as 16 children attend church on Sundays as a result of the outreach.

In March, the children continued to attend church until we postponed all meetings. We are praying for the many families affected by the ongoing Corona virus. During this difficult time, we have supported families by making mask, providing food and water and sending encouraging bible scriptures. We continue to cover this community in prayer.

Thanks to all the volunteers at Lion of Judah Arts & Worship Center, the staff at The Grand at Day Point and community partners for their support.

God Bless you and we look forward to expanding our influence for the Glory of God!

